Thankful for ….Huh?

This is an unconventional list of the things that bring me joy. Whatever it is in life that brings us joy, we better darn well be thankful for it. Not everyone gets to feel joy, so this Thanksgiving, let’s think about the random things in our lives that truly make us laugh, feel happy, or allow us to escape. Here are the 5 things that I’m beyond grateful for and if you’ve read my story up to this point, you know I have much to be thankful for in the right now of my life.

1.) My husband’s terms of endearment. Carl, Dell, Crumbs, and Chuck-these are the lovely nicknames my husband refers to me as on the daily.   Not honey, sweetie, babycakes, or hot stuff. The look on people’s faces is the cherry on top. He does mean them in the sweetest way possible. Carl as in he thinks I’m hot, so naturally the word hot is followed by Carl, so he shortened it to just Carl to spare me the embarrassment. Dell as in Dell Griffith from Planes, Trains, and Automobiles-because of the car scene. Crumbs because him and my family spread rumors that I’m messy. Chuck – because he just thinks it’s just funny to call me that….I am actually not sure on this one.

Dell Griffith

2.) Dr. Phil’s Relationship Rescue Workbook. This was actually given to us many years ago as a Christmas present. Whenever I see it on the ol’ bookcase, it makes me chuckle. Cheers Honey, we made it!

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3.) Both my sons fighting over who is putting them to bed. While this drives us nuts sometimes, I secretly love it. Why? Because it goes to show that even when my kids have been super grouchy or want nothing to do with me on any given day, I know in my heart they want their connection time with Mama at bedtime, and nothing makes me feel more mushy than that.


4.) My inability to cook. No one asks or expects me to cook for holidays because I’m not very good at it. I think I’m a fine cook, I just use every pot and pan we own and take up every square inch of counter space. My husband is very meticulous when he cooks and likes things done a certain way. My Mother-In-Law and Mother also prefer to cook so I’m very lucky in that way. Take it away ladies and gents, I’m glad we can all agree that I’m not cooking. Takes the pressure off- and for that I’m SO thankful!


5.) Social media and smart phones. While I have a love/hate relationship with social media, I am thankful for Facebook after having moved half way across the country away from friends and family. It’s a key way to stay in touch and watch my friends’ children grow.  It is also fun to see what kind of random memes my mother will post. Let’s not forget those friends that were blessed with the gift of hilarity-sheer entertainment-I’m so grateful for your gift of funny when things feel serious.

Smart phones, I’m thankful for you as well because it will be the reason why I will be arguing with my kids this Thanksgiving. I will be telling them to “Put the phone DOWN!” and “GET OFF THE SCREEN!” while trying to get some good connection time in over the holiday. That doesn’t sound like something joyful, but truly -it is. Smart phones are a reminder of how much things have changed, which then always makes me think about how things used to be. You know when we’d all sit around and talk and interact with family during the holidays when we were kids? When I harken back to pre-smart phone days, it’s a reminder this holiday for what matters the most-putting the phone down and interacting. Thank you smart phones for that reminder, oh yeah, and for making it possible to snap an incredible memory-making photo at the drop of a hat.

Happy Thanksgiving!




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